Partner: Ruhr Universität Bochum (D)
Level: Master’s Degree
Reference contact: Professor Elena Agazzi
The double degree agreement is based on an integrated study plan allowing students enrolled in the Master’s Degree 37 in European and Pan-American Languages and Literatures to attend two terms of their 2nd-year university career at Ruhr-Universität in Bochum (Germany), obtaining at the end of their path both the Italian and the foreign degree, i.e. the MA Degree Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (Comparative studies).
Any interested students may participate, provided that at the time of the enrollment they have obtained at least 10 ECTS credits in subjects of the first year in the Winter exam session and have the required language skills: at least C1 (or equivalent) in one European language (including Russian).
Preference will be given to level C1 knowledge of German.
Students departing for Bochum in September will have to prove to have passed at least 40 ECTS credits in subjects of the first year. Applications must be submitted within the deadline specified in the call, that will be published in January. The stay at RUB mandatorily applies to the third or fourth term, i.e. the second year of the student’s degree course. The Master’s degree thesis, agreed with the lecturers of the University of Bergamo before the departure, will be discussed once the student has returned to in Italy.
Students are required to follow a study plan, according to what agreed by the reference professors of the partner Universities. The study plan may be seen on the page of the call at the time of its publishing.
The places available for the exchange are 5. No taxes or insurance costs will be charged to the students at the host University. The access to the university catering service, to public transports and accommodations are regulated by the conditions set by the partner university.